This paper reports a family with familial diabetes mellitus, albinism and ocular nystagmus of metabolic disturbance and heredity in nature. 本文报导一个家族的家族性糖尿病、白化病、眼球震颤的代谢和遗传病,并随访观察十年。
4-Aminopyridine restores visual ocular mo-tor function in upbeat nystagmus 4-氨基吡啶恢复上跃式垂直眼振患者的视觉眼球运动功能
With the development of this technique, we have known more about ocular movement disorders such as strabismus, nystagmus, cranial nerve palsy, craniocerebral injury, which may provides an potential opportunity of understanding the mechanism of these diseases. 该技术的发展使人们对眼球运动障碍类疾病如斜视、眼球震颤、颅神经麻痹、颅脑损伤等的认识不断深入,为阐明其发病机制提供了途径。
The initial symptoms were abnormal ocular movements ( AOMs) consisting of ocular deviation, gaze or nystagmus in 2 cases, AOMs and dystonic posturing in 9 cases, hemiplegia in 2 cases. 起病症状表现为眼的运动异常(包括斜视、双眼向上或向一侧凝视、眼震)2例,眼的运动异常伴肌张力不全姿势9例,偏瘫2例。
Methods: Analyse the ocular dyscinesia and nystagmus in 39 patiens who have lesions in the brain stem confirmed by CT and MRI. 方法:对39例经CT、MRI证实为脑干病变的患者行眼球运动障碍、眼球震颤分析。